VX-1r Radio Guide

The DoC is proud to present a resource for radio hacking and experimentation.

This reference is for the Yaesu VX-1r, it is advised that people use their radio responsibly and legally.


The VX-1R is the radio of choice for those that need extra small, (near pager size) rugged Hand held Tranceiver (HT). This radio is one of the few wide-band HTs that was rugged enough to earn a MIL-STD 810 rating.

Designed for amateur Ham radio dual band use in the 2m and 70cm (144MHz and 440MHz), while this radio features wide band receive up to 999MHz it's sensitivity lacks outside of the two meter and seventy centimeter band (Sadly this radio is allso nearly deaf on the 220 range).

It's one advantage is is one of the smallest dual-band handhelds that support CTCSS and DCS (Digital Coded Squelch).


A scanned copy of the manufacturers manual is not yet available.
For a printed copy please contact the manufacturer.

Reset: Hold [M/V] & [AR] buttons while turning the radio on.


The VX-1R is somewhat capable for wide band receive and extended transmission ranges. Sa