Who Am I?

Well, I was born in Sacramento, CA. but I moved to Berkeley at two days old and i've been here ever since. I attended Berkeley High School where I spent most of my three years there (Yes, I graduated in three years) pulling cat 5 cable in the asbestos-filled ceilings or cutting class to hang out at the Computer Science Undergraduate Association at U.C. Berkeley

I then attended Diablo Valley Colledge for a year and a half studying German and Computer Science before I was distracted by the prospect of work.

Anyways, I am a "Computer Security Analyst", or whatever you want to call it. You can always catch me at DEFCON , which takes place in Las Vegas every july.

I drive a white Volkswagen GTi, which is probably the most fun car to drive in the world. If you are driving around in the Berkeley hills, and you see a white streak blow by you, it's probably me.

I occasionally visit some goth/industrial clubs in San Francisco. Some of my favorite music includes KMFDM, Front 242, Sisters of Mercy, Leibach, FSOL, and various other techno artists.

Usually, i'm hanging out with the Dis.org Crew and having too much beer and pizza (healty food? I didn't know you could order that).

11/11/1998 | © seventek@dis.org