DOC Logo

DoC Logo Shirts

DoC Merchandise

DoC Shirts are avaliable in Black only

Avaliable styles:

The Black "Classic" and embroidered polo shirts are designed to be low-key so that they can be worn into a work environment without raising undo suspicions of your affiliations

The Defcon 7 "Concert" shirts are designed for defcon 7 with the DoC logo accross the chest and a list of past defcon location and results (see back).

The "Baby-Tees" are a special item for female friends of the DoC.

These items are generally available at DoC events and DoC attended functions assuming stock is avaliable.

(1) Public wearing of DoC shirts may result in an increased sexual attention from the appropriate sex.
Caution is advised as such attention may result in reduced work hours and lack of sleep.

Maintained by Peter Shipley <> PI

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