The Definitive Guide To The OCF |
Occupation |
Occupational Requirements |
Personnel |
OCF Staff |
Signatories What Signatories do |
What someone needs to be a signatory | OCF Signatories for the 2003-2004 UCB academic year | |
OCF Board Of Directors Location of BOD meetings Link to the agenda of the next BOD meeting |
What BOD does and what someone needs to be on BOD |
Current BOD members, quorum number. | |
General Staff What general staff does and what someone needs to be general staff |
How staff accounts are created and differing levels of what access, from basic approval through root. |
Lists of and to current general staff, office hours, pictures, if any, who has what capability, from basic account approval through root, etc . . . . |
General Manager(s) Link to OCF constitution Link to CNS regulations Link to relevant UCB regulations |
What GM(s) do and what someone needs to be GM |
---name of current GM(s) | |
Site Manager(s) Message of The Day and how the MOTD is created |
What SM(s) do and what someone needs to be SM |
---insert name of current SM(s) | |
Userland |
New users |
What someone needs to become a group or individual user. |
Link to pdf of signup sheet for groups and individuals. |
Current Users |
What users can do. |
How To Join Staff. Other links as needed for user use and augmentations, such as account creation, web page construction and maintenance, email usage and tweaking, mailing list maintenance, spam filtering, database construction and operation, virtual domain construction and operation, and all else that is available for users. |
How To Connect To The OCF |
Dialup What is dialup connectivity, and what does the OCF offer? Network What is network connectivity, and what does the OCF offer? Wireless What is wireless connectivity, and what does the OCF offer? |
Links to ISP lists. Links to networking info. Links to wireless info. |
Internet based communication |
Email What is email, and what does the OCF offer, and how does one sign up? Mailing lists What are mailing lists, and what does the OCF offer, and how does one sign up? Again, with the staff mailing lists, join staff. IRC What is IRC, and how does one sign up? |
Links to staff and user email variations, including webmail, and how one signs up. Links to staff and user mailing lists and how one signs up. Links to IRC information and how one signs up. |
OCF Administration |
What are user resources and why |
Link to per user webbed quota and paper usage |
Paper, toner, printing quotas for the printer(s) |
How to replace paper, toner, what is logjam |
Link to logjam, list current paper, toner levels |
Email Staff |
Who users should post to for what issue at what times. Again, they Can also join staff . . . . |
Link to what's in the request queue and its answer, when the answer turns up. |
OCF Special projects; hardware acquisition, OS large upgrades and the like |
What Are the assorted special projects? |
Links as needed for staff maintenance and augmentation, such as system acquisitions and upgrades, moves of entire server rooms, etc. |
OS maintenance |
Solaris |
How to install and maintain Solaris |
Link to Sun List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP |
How to read bugtraq, et al, and how to install and otherwise maintain other stuff |
Link to bugtraq, zone alarm, wine, crossover office, Microsoft List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Symantec Ghost images, |
How to create ghost images, and what is in our current ghost images |
Link to Symantec Links to OCF ghost content sources List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
MacOS, |
How to install and maintain MacOS |
Link to Apple List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Linux |
How to install and maintain the Linux flavor of the week |
Link to assorted flavors of the week List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
FreeBSD |
How to install and maintain FreeBSD |
Link to List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Doing backups |
How the OCF does backups and how to set them up |
Links to relevant tutorials and suppliers, current backup logs. List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
UNIX package maintenance |
How to install and maintain packages for assorted flavors and operating systems |
Links to what packages are installed on the OCF systems, either a link on this page, or a link to the maintainer . . . | |
Assorted X managers |
How to install and maintain . . . . . . . . |
Link to the main X managers maintainers List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Pine |
How to install and maintain . . . . . . . . |
Link to the main Pine maintainers List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Mutt |
How to install and maintain . . . . . . . . |
Link to the main Mutt maintainers List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Mozilla |
How to install and maintain . . . . . . . . |
Link to the main List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Coding programs/suites |
How to install and maintain . . . . . . . . |
Link to the main related maintainers List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Database programs/suites |
How to install and maintain . . . . . . . . |
Link to the main related maintainers List of and links to who on staff maintains this |
Etc. |
How to install and maintain . . . . . . . . |
Link to maintainers of Etc. List of and links to who on staff maintains this |