Kingdom Historical Trust Inc.

General FAQ about KHTI
The Land Search
Questions about the land

Q: What is Ducal Prize Tourney?
A: Ducal Prize Tourney is the major fundraising event held each year to benefit KHTI. It is held as a joint event in cooperation with the West Kingdom. It is scheduled for Labor Day weekend and consists of competitions (for entry fees, with prizes), auctions, a garage sale and other interesting activities. It was originally named Ducal Prize because the active Dukes and Duchesses were asked to contribute the prizes and auction items. This is no longer the case; now KHTI asks for donations from everyone! KHTI sometimes sponsors other fund-raisers during the year.
Q: What can I donate and when?
A: For Ducal Prize we accept donations of "stuff" throughout the year, though if you can store the "stuff" until summer we appreciate it greatly. Contact the Fundraising Coordinator if you have "stuff" that you think would be appropriate. Donated items in the past have included the tourney and feast gear that you are no longer using, tables, chairs, tourney beds, pavilions, musical instruments, jewelry, food, etc. We aren't particularly interested in televisions, dishwashers, stereo systems or other modern stuff. We also accept cash donations at any time. The value of all donations is tax-deductible and we will gladly give you a receipt.
Q: What about services? Can I donate my skills?
A: YES! Some of the most successful fund-raising items at Ducal Prize are promissories of services, be it massage, dinner for four at a future event, training in skills, custom work by artisans, etc. Please note that donations of time and services are not tax-deductible under IRS statutes.
Q: Can I hold a KHTI fund-raiser on my own?
A: Contact the Fundraising Coordinator at the KHTI address for information on doing this. Especially if a fund-raiser is held in conjunction with an SCA event, there are guidelines which must be followed to be sure that the money is correctly attributed.

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